Nutritional Supplements Manufacturer Powers Facilities with Solar

Nutritional Supplements

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image media=”101566″ media_width_percent=”100″ uncode_shortcode_id=”101740″][vc_column_text] Premier Research Labs (PRL) [], located in Austin, has been developing and distributing nutritional supplements worldwide for over 25 years. They are well known for providing an uncompromising commitment to ingredient integrity, potency, and quality in all of their nutritional offerings. NATiVE met Abel Herrera, the Facilities Manager at PRL, in…

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Powering a Birthing Center in Haiti with Solar

birthing center

A nonprofit birthing center in the impoverished country of Haiti was not even tied to the unreliable electrical grid. Build Native volunteers raised funds, flew to Haiti, and installed an off-grid solar inverter to provide solar power to the clinic.

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Mostly Sunny Forecasts for Solar Power

Sunny Forecasts

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image media=”102096″ media_width_percent=”100″ shape=”img-round” uncode_shortcode_id=”363978″][vc_column_text] Despite the slow economy, 2012 is looking like a good year to invest in solar tech: Sunny Forecasts for Solar Power. Solar panels are the key technology to a sustainable energy future based on renewable energies – this is old news. What’s revolutionary is how the decentralization of energy production…

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The Solar Alternative to Solar Panels: Solar Thermal Heating

Solar Thermal Heating

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image media=”102113″ media_width_percent=”100″ shape=”img-round” uncode_shortcode_id=”134308″][vc_column_text] Solar photovoltaic panels are the relatively young rock stars of the green technological movement. When most people think green, they picture rows and rows of sparkling silicone semiconductors harvesting the limitless power of the sun and converting it into clean, free electricity. What about solar thermal heating? Solar Thermal Heating…

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